Although the action drew international criticism, Mr Biden had previously defended what he said was Israel's absolute right to deal with its security interest. 尽管以色列的行为引起了国际社会的批评,拜登此前曾辩护称,他所说的是以色列拥有保卫安全利益的绝对权力。
Whether absolute zero may be achieved experimentally is a question of some interest and importance. 是否可用实验的方法达到绝对零度,乃是有趣而重要的问题。
Low absolute level of the benchmark interest rate at this stage, there are still large room for growth, the central bank to raise interest rates this week should be the high probability event. 现阶段基准利率绝对水平较低,依然有较大的上升空间,央行本周加息应是大概率事件。
While the absolute size of the Chinese economy is clearly of interest, it was inevitable that China would overtake the US on the basis of PPP measures within a few years, so the latest revelation was not exactly a shock. 尽管中国经济的绝对规模明显引人关注,但按购买力平价标准衡量,中国经济规模注定将在未来几年内超过美国,所以上述最新数据不算太令人吃惊。
Exceeding company's authority has gone from absolute invalidity to comparative invalidity, and it is the choice of law to order value and result of company's chase of interest. 公司越权行为由绝对无效发展到相对无效,是基于法律对秩序价值的选择,也是公司作为市场主体对潜在利益追求的结果。
The Absolute Non-Compensation System from the View of Interest Measurement 利益衡量视角下的绝对免赔额制度
It opposes absolute truth, thinks much of uniting theory with practice, advocates that philosophy attends human life, brings up the people's esthetic interest, figures perfect personality, realizes the full human nature. 反对绝对真理,重视理论结合实际;提倡哲学关心人类生活,精心呵护生命,培养审美情趣,塑造完美人格,实现完整人性;
As land economist in the U.S pointed: the land right of land owners is not absolute, which has to be defined and restricted by government on the basis of whole social interest. 正如美国土地经济学家R.巴洛维所指出的那样:土地私有者所拥有的土地权利并不是绝对的,而是要受到政府从整个社会利益出发所进行的限制和约束;
The absolute non-compensation system is related with many levels of interests and the interest measurement at different level of interests is the key to clarify the interest relationship. 绝对免赔额制度涉及到多层利益,在不同利益层面上进行利益衡量是厘清利益关系的关键所在。
After the revival of the Roman law, the proprietorship in the period of modern law is of such properties as absolute, exclusive and perpetual, and gives a full emphasis on the interest and free will of proprietors. 经过近代罗马法的复兴,近代法时期的所有权具有了绝对性,排他性和永久性,充分强调了所有权人的利益和意志自由。
This effort to treat self, religious faith, and an absolute state of spiritual existence as being of philosophical interest quickly exerted its influence on the major standard-bearers of literary Romanticism. 这种将自我、宗教信仰、一种绝对化的精神存在状态作为哲学旨趣的倾向,很快就影响了文学浪漫派的主要旗手。
Considering that students are the absolute subject of the class, teachers should take the interactive form according to students learning ability, interests and language proficiency level to stimulate students interest and motivate their English learning. 学生是课堂教学的绝对主体。教师应该根据学生的实际水平和能力,通过使用他们的喜欢的方式和手段,激发他们学习英语口语的兴趣。
Restraint mechanism is not an absolute limit shareholder derivative litigation, but in order to balance the conflict of interest of between the company and shareholders, majority shareholders and minority shareholders. 股东派生诉讼约束机制不是绝对的限制股东提起派生诉讼,而是为了平衡公司与股东之间、大小股东之间的利益而设立的。
And as the absolute main stratum in rural society, peasants 'interest expression becomes the crux of realizing the effective link between state and countryside. 而农民作为乡村社会的绝对主体阶层,农民利益表达也就成为了实现国家与乡村有效衔接的关键所在。
However, the law of freedom is not absolute and without limits, prohibition of abuse of rights principle and the principle of public interest shall not violate are the exercise of rights boundaries. 然而,法律的自由不是绝对的和毫无界限的,禁止权利滥用原则和不得违反社会公共利益原则是权利行使的界限。